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Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in serious games


Cerebral visual impairment (CVI) is one of the most prominent causes of severe visual impairment in childhood and because visual impairments have a strong influence on development and functioning in everyday life, they are clinically very important. In CVI, the cause, location, and severity of brain lesions are different in each child, leading to the heterogeneous and complex clinical picture. Children with CVI experience problems in visual perception such as object and shape recognition, figure-ground perception, and spatial navigation. Our team has developed an individualized and adaptive game-based rehabilitation, training visuoperceptual skills for children with CVI aged 3-12 years.

In January 2022, we began our double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) which aims to compare the effectiveness of playing with the adaptive versus non-adaptive version of the programme. This study is part of the iVision project and is done in collaboration with UZ Leuven, COS, and Centrum Ganspoel. In the RCT, children use the gamified rehabilitation program for three months, playing three times per week, for 20-25 minutes each training session.

In order to have the best posssible learing trajectory and patient experience, having the game provide the right difficulty level is crucial. Therefore, we have embedded a basic dynamic difficulty adjustment (DDA) algorithm in the game. You will analyze the performance of the current method on the collected gameplay data, investigate visualisation methods to communicate the interplay between DDA and game performance to rehabilitation specialists and work on improving the current algorithm.

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Prof. Dr. Bart Jansen

+32 (0)2 629 1034

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Ir. Katarina Kostkova

+32 (0)2 629 2930

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