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Laboratory for Micro- & Photonelectronics
ETRO-LAMI Research Domains

Opto & bio-electronics

GHz- THz domain research

Analog Circuit Design


About LAMI
Recent - LAMI Publications
The Laboratory for Micro- & Photonelectronics (LAMI) was founded in 1987. In 1988 a close collaboration with the Inter-university Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) in Leuven was started. LAMI's main field of research then was about optoelectronic devices in the fields of parallel optical interchip connections and medium infrared modulators. Its most successful achievement during that period was the development of high speed optical thyristors in collaboration with IMEC and the use of these devices in optical computing and optical communication schemes in collaboration with the photonics department (PHOT) of the VUB. Activities that were directly related to the optical interconnect work included the development of small-area interface electronic circuitry, micro-optics technology and technology for photonic-to-silicon conversion. In 1998 LAMI became an associated research laboratory of IMEC's. Today, the scope of the research activities has widened. It now includes work on high brightness LEDs; equalizing techniques for high speed electronic data communication; 3-D image acquisition; high power detectors & modulators and passive optical components for the 10 μm wavelength region; devices, quasi-optical components, technology and systems for millimeter wave imaging; the study of the foundations of computing and of living systems.

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