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Know How

ETRO industrial valorisation potential


Know How



Potential applicable and transferable
know-how with economic value
  • Broad scale of 2D/3D imaging HW/SW expertise
  • Fundamentally new insights into dielectric imaging and sensing in various applications, e.g. process and product quality assessment, non-destructive testing of various materials, blind-spot accident avoidance system, …
  • Medical imaging and analysis expertise, e.g. in dental imagery and caries detection, mammogram analysis, multimodal data fusion for various organs and applications
  • e-Health: personalized health systems, e.g. interpretation of behavioral and physiological characteristics of monitored elderly at home; software for the analysis and training of people with speech disabilities; novel computer games for the revalidation of children suffering from cerebral paralysis
  • Audiovisual signal processing expertise, e.g. automatic dialogue replacement, audio-visual text-to-speech synthesis, audio-visual mental state estimation …
  • Unique video coding technology, e.g. video codec using block-motion estimation techniques (OBMEC); a comprehensive encoder and decoder implementation of the JPEG 2000 part 1 (Core coding system) and part 10 (JP3D, coding of volumetric data) standards (
  • Improved laser modulator design based on a patented Transverse Laser Mode Switching principle
  • Digital watermarking technology for quality testing and content filtering
  • Broad experience in parallel computing by exploiting the increased processing power of GPU's and FPGA's, e.g. in medical imaging, security, …

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Tel: +32 2 629 29 30

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