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Conference Publication

JPEG 2000 Part 10: JP3D

Host Publication: Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet

Authors: T. Bruylants and P. Schelkens

Publication Date: Mar. 2008

Number of Pages: 1


1. Introduction More than ever before, medical imaging equipment produces large amounts of volumetric data sets. As scanner technology advances, each individual data set gets larger and larger. Thus, an efficient representation technology becomes crucial to allow for compact and optimal storage. With this, other interesting features, like efficient transmission, random accessibility, region-of-interest (ROI) support and resolution/quality scalability become also more important. With JPEG2000, these requirements were until recently only available for two-dimensional imagery. However, in December 2007, the volumetric extension (Part 10) [1] of JPEG2000, also known as JP3D, became an official ISO/IEC standard. This extension provides isotropic support for rectangular three-dimensional data sets with no time component in JPEG2000. 2. Applications Techniques like computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), (Doppler) ultrasound, DR/digital fluorography and electrical impedance tomography are major producers of medical and scientific volumetric image data. The amount of data produced with these devices is continuously increasing and consequently - seen their typical large sizes - efficient technologies and mechanisms for storage, transmission and consultation are required. Apart from the previously mentioned techniques, also biological (e.g. bright-field and confocal microscopes), industrial inspection tomography and multi- and hyper-spectral satellite imaging technologies are expected to increase in popularity. JP3D addresses the requirements for all of these applications. 3. Volumetric image compression with JP3D The JP3D extension (Part 10) of JPEG2000 aims to provide the same functionality and efficiency for 3D data sets as for its 2D counterparts. As of December 2007, the JP3D specification is an official ISO standard, referenced as ITU-T Rec. T.809 | ISO/IEC IS 15444ᆞ. The specification is designed as a pure and logical extension of JPEG2000 Part 1 and Part 2. Thus, JP3D supports all existing capabilities of Part 1, extended to three dimensions. It also respects the syntax and capabilities of Part 2 multi-component images, although it does not extend all of them. Features relevant to encoding volumetric data sets, such as the Arbitrary Transformation Kernels (ATK) and ROI coding, are extended, while less relevant features are not adopted. An important goal of JP3D is to provide maximally isotropic specification by supporting identical processing capabilities in all dimensions. Furthermore, the JP3D packet syntax is compatible with the Interactive Protocols defined in JPIP (Part 9) for client-server interaction. This protocol enables applications to randomly access remote code streams, thus exploiting the full scalability potentials of JPEG2000. In order to reduce cost of implementation and to keep the codec design relatively simple, the JP3D specification does not introduce new coding concepts. In fact, it reuses the one defined in Part 1 and Part 2, that is, Embedded Block Coding by Optimized Truncation (EBCOT) [2Dž], based on the principles of Layered Zero Coding, which is the core element of the JPEG2000 image compression standard. Consequently, the volumetric coding mechanism of JP3D uses a three-dimensional instantiation of the EBCOT-coder. 5. Conclusion JP3D is a work item of the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 standardization committee. It is a straightforward extension of JPEG2000 Part 1 and Part 2 delivering promising coding technology for volumetric encoding to support lossy-to-lossless coding functionality (quality scalability), resolution scalability and region-of-interest coding.

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