Sentence Modality Recognition in Dysarthric Speech Host Publication: Proceedings of MAVEBA 2011 Authors: D. Torres, T. Dekens, H. Martens, G. Van Nuffelen, M. De Bodt and W. Verhelst Publication Date: Aug. 2011
Abstract: The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a tool for the automatic assessment and treatment of intonation and stress in dysarthric speech. In this paper, we deal with automatic sentence modality recognition in dysarthric speech. Two classes of sentence modalities were used: declarative statements and declarative questions. Statistics of prosodic features were used for the classification. Three well-known classification algorithms were tested with two different sets of features. The database used consisted of healthy and dysarthric speakers pronouncing three different sentences in both modalities. The healthy speakers were used as the training set and the dysathric speakers as the test set. A global classification accuracy of 84% has been achieved.