The VUB Blizzard Challenge 2009 Entry Host Publication: Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet Authors: L. Latacz, W. Mattheyses and W. Verhelst Publication Date: Sep. 2009
Abstract: In this paper we describe the voices we submitted to the 2009
Blizzard Challenge, a yearly challenge to evaluate auditory
speech synthesis on common data. Since it is the second time
we participate in this challenge, in this paper we focus on the
changes we made to our unit selection-based system. The
weighted sum of symbolic target costs has been replaced by a
single statistical target cost the weighted sum of acoustic join
cost has been replaced by a single statistical join cost. Both
these costs are based on context-clustering decision tree
modeling, and trained on the speech database. Furthermore,
the voice building process has been enhanced by improving
the segmentation quality and by automatically removing
potentially "bad" units. External Link.