A Matlab-based tutorial environment for digital image watermarking Host Publication: Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective at the Medelhavsmuseet Authors: K. Heylen, T. Meesters, L. Verstrepen and T. Dams Publication Date: Mar. 2008
Abstract: Digital watermarking of images is still a very young research field. As a result, there isnt a very good starting point which enables one to rapidly start learning the different watermarking techniques that exist. We have developed a learning environment in Matlab that enables researchers, teachers, students and other interested people to get acquainted with the concepts of digital watermarking techniques in images. We created a user-friendly tutorial that can be used to test different embedding techniques, observe the results of certain attacks and discover the overall behavior of digital watermarking. By using Matlab, we were able to make a framework that is easy to modify, update and expand (e.g. add new watermarking techniques). It also enabled us to use the large image processing libraries of Matlab.