Implementation of a Server Architecture for Secure Reconfiguration of Embedded Systems This publication appears in: ARPN Journal of Systems and Software Authors: Y. Verbelen, A. Braeken, S. Kubera, A. Touhafi, N. Mentens and J. Vliegen Volume: 1 Issue: 9 Pages: 270-279 Publication Date: Jul. 2011
Abstract: Field reconfigurable logic finds an increased integration
in both industrial and consumer applications. A need
for secure reconfiguration techniques on these devices arises as
live firmware updates are essential for a guaranteed continuity
of the application's performance. Ideally, a wide variety of
different reconfigurable devices in a range of applications should
be configurable with suitable firmware from a central location,
since outdated or wrong configuration data could potentially
cause irreversible damage to the device. At the same time
eavesdropping must be made unfeasibly difficult to keep the
intellectual properties of the application provider secured.
This work proposes a software architecture for a server platform
allowing secure bidirectional communication over TCP/IP
with reconfigurable logic in the field. Moreover a performance
comparison between Csharp and Java is discussed for the different
cryptographic algorithms applied in the application.