ParaFPGA: Parallel Computing with Flexible Hardware Host Publication: ADVANCES IN PARALLEL COMPUTING Authors: A. Touhafi and D. Stroobandt Publisher: IOS Press Publication Year: 2010 Number of Pages: 3
Abstract: ParaFPGA 2009 is a Mini-Symposium on parallel computing with ?eldprogrammable gate arrays (FPGAs), held in conjunction with the ParCo conferenceon parallel computing. FPGAs allow to map an algorithm directly onto the hard-ware, optimize the architecture for parallel execution, and dynamically recon?g-ure the system in between different phases of the computation. Compared to e.g.Cell processors, GPGPU's (general-purpose GPU's) and other high-performancedevices, FPGAs are considered as ?exible hardware in the sense that the buildingblocks of one or more single or multiple FPGAs can be interconnected freely tobuild a highly parallel system. In this Mini-Symposium the following topics areaddressed: clustering FPGAs, evolvable hardware using FPGAs and fast dynamicrecon?guration.