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Acceleration of Multimedia Processing

ETRO - IRIS research topic

Overview Projects Publications PSC3
Topic Overview

Given the increasing data volumes and increasing complexity of algorithms, there is an ever-growing need for computational power. To render the computational work feasible our research encompasses efficient implementation strategies, parallel computing and performance modeling/analysis.

This includes the following topics:

  • Personal high-performance computing: we study the use of accelerators such as GPUs, FPGAs or upcoming architectures such as Intel's MIC to turn a standalone computer into a 'number cruncher'.
  • Improved strategies for common communication operations on large-scale systems.
  • Performance analysis and modeling for feasibility studies and performance bottleneck detection.
  • Data mining on empirical data from the performance analysis of algorithms and architectures.
  • Memory optimizations.
  • The knowhow for lowering the threshold to exploit the processing power offered by modern accelerators.

Scientific Contact

Prof. Jan Lemeire

+32 (0)2 629 1679

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