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International University Technology Transfer

Talent and Knowledge are the raw materials in international collaborations. Universities are primary sources of bright experts, talent creation, unique R&D results, discoveries, inventions and know how. These are waiting for a process of enrichment and creation of impact on society, culture and economy. Therefore, Knowledge, innovation & technology transfer have become part of the triple mission of modern universities, besides education and research.

The framework is a three layered concept. The synergy between the regional interests and the triple university's mission (education, R&D and value creation) will accelerate and increase the creation of societal, cultural and economic value and intensify the R&D collaboration.

Three layers of innovation partnership.

  • Layer 1: relations between universities- knowledge Generation & Transmission
  • Layer 2: collaboration on knowledge, innovation and technology transfer
  • Layer 3: Policy & Decision making perspective, cultural and economic activities

The interplay between the three layers is partially driven by (1) top down initiatives emanating from economic imperatives and regional policies and priorities, and (2) bottom up actions emanating from the areas of excellence in R&D and creative researchers & innovators. The top down processes typically are demand-driven and initiated by regional government and economic actors. The bottom up processes are offer-driven and initiated by knowledge centers, mainly universities.

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Tel: +32 2 629 29 30

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