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Mr. Georgios Patsis

ETRO Affiliate Member

Biography Research Publications
Short CV

Master in Digital Signal Processing Systems, Univ. of Westminster, London, UK, 2001


Yorgos Patsis was born in Greece in 1972. After his graduation from the Department of Physics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki he continued his studies in London (UK) obtaining an MSc in Digital Signal Processing with an emphasis in audio processing. He then worked as a design engineer in Soundcraft (UK) in the development of digital live consoles. In 2003 he continued in university research for speech and audio applications at AIIA lab of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. At the same time he was working as an engineer in music for live and studio production. In 2006 he started working in speech and audio research for department ETRO of Vrije Universiteit Brussels in Belgium and since 2009 he is responsible for an audiovisual lab at ETRO used for research, music and video production.

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