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Optrima / SoftKinetic

Optrima NV (now called SoftKinetic Sensors NV) is a Brussels, Belgium - based fab-less semiconductor company with the mission to provide 3D time-of-flight ("TOF") Sensor Solutions and 3D Time-of-Flight Cameras for building 3D gesture-based interfaces. It's patented technology provides a direct way for acquiring 3D information of objects, enabling new applications such as gesture recognition.
SoftKinetic Sensors merged with a Brussels middleware for extraction and recognition of gestures from 3D images, together called SoftKinetic Systems.
SoftKinetic's 3D-TOF Sensors potentially revolutionize Man/Machine and Machine/World interactions in domains such as Entertainment & Gaming applications, Automation, Security, Health & Lifestyle or Automotive by providing real time easy to compute 3D images.

Related News

Optrima-Softkinetics' (ongoing) success story 21.11.2019

The ETRO spin-off “Optrima-SoftKinetic Sensors” established in 2009, was sold in 2015 to SONY, and has meanwhile grown to 170-180 FTE, mainly high-tech employees. The image sensor technology developed within ETRO with 4 of Maarten Kuijk's PhD students was to provide 3D depth vision to robots and systems in general, in an alternative way.

These 3D time of flight sensors (3D-tof image sensors) are now “going places”, because they are standard built-in into about half of the high-end smartphones, to name a few,
• Huawei P30pro
• LG
• OPPO (Chinese market)
• Samsung Galaxy S10.
According to analysts, the iPhone will soon be next.

Sony Depthsensing Solutions is now also conducting LIDAR research for self-driving cars, and remains a stayer in the Brussels Region.
Daniel van Nieuwenhove, the first PhD student in 3D-tof research, is now CEO of this company.

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Certificate of Appreciation for ETRO valorization of 3D-TOF technology 14.12.2015

Vrije Universiteit Brussel held a ceremony on the 4th of December 2015 to award its first Certificate of Appreciation to Optrima/SoftKinetic, a 3D Sensor innovator and a very successful VUB spin-off. The award is a token of recognition of the contribution, quality work, and dedication in promoting and valorising VUB's technological excellence around the globe. In October 2015, Sony announced the acquisition of SoftKinetic Systems.

Sony buys VUB spin-off SoftKinetic ! 09.10.2015

The Brussels company SoftKinetic, producer of 3D Sensors, has been sold to Sony. Their sensor was invented and developed at the ETRO lab from Vrije Universiteit Brussel with support from FWO, IWT and the Brussels Region.

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Belgian 3D in new Playstation 14.11.2013

Last week the new Sony Playstation 4 was launched. The console uses technology designed by Softkinetic, ETRO's spin-off.

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Minister Fremault visits Softkinetic (an ETRO Spin-off company) 16.09.2013

On Monday September 16th, Mrs Céline Fremault, Brussels Minister of Scientific Research and Foreign Export visited SoftKinetic NV.

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Intel licenses software, developed by ETRO spin-off 04.06.2013

ETRO spin-off Softkinetic-Optrima reached an agreement with Intel for licensing their software on 3D motion recognition.

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Research results reaching “high levels” 12.09.2012

VUB’s research results are now reaching “high levels” with Softkinetic’s 3D-camera (valorization started in 2009 with ETRO’s spin-off Optrima NV).

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Haier selects SoftKinetic 30.08.2012

ETRO Spin-off Optrima, now known as SoftKinetic, has been selected by Haier to Bring Full-Body Interaction to Smart TVs.

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ETRO Spin-off 23.03.2012

ETRO Spin-off Optrima in the news: Softkinetic klaar voor doorbraak (De Standaard 23/3/2012)

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Related Press

3D Visualisation Technologies 27.10.2014

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Nieuwe pc's krijgen Belgische 3D-sensortechnologie 04.06.2013

In De Tijd

Gebarentaal voor beeldschermen 01.11.2012

In Interconnect 40 (IMEC) pp 10-12

Softkinetic klaar voor doorbraak 23.03.2012

In De Standaard • Vrijdag 23 Maart 2012 • pp 36-37

Television Will Soon Watch You (for Instructions). 02.03.2010


De rooskleurige toekomst in 3D. 04.02.2010

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