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Nosey Elephant Studios
ETRO Audio-Visual Lab
About Us Infrastructure Research Services

AV Lab is providing all the infrastructure and engineering of a professional grade recording studio for the production of audiovisual databases. Multi-sensor signal processing (in-synchrony capturing and processing of multiple audio, video and human physiological signals) is an emerging research area, where data obtained through microphones, cameras and other sensors are used in order to develop, train and test new multimedia applications, enriching the human-machine interaction.

We are producing databases for the technologies being developed at ETRO, like microphone arrays, 3D surround sound, audiovisual photorealistic text-to-speech synthesis, emotional and expressive speech synthesis and recognition. In conjunction with other departments, researchers are using this facility to explore human behavior analysis, studying mother-child communication or ways of enriching the interaction between humans and robots or the gaming experience. In addition, researchers can test their algorithms using microphones, loudspeakers or video cameras under variable acoustic and lightning conditions.

Some examples of work that has been done for research:

  • Audio-visual database for research (2010): HD video (uncompressed 720p / 60fps) recordings with blue-key in controlled conditions. Multi-channel audio capture. Recording protocol. Database optimized for research in photorealistic audio-visual text-to-speech synthesis.

  • Emotional audiovisual recordings for VUB project CAdE (2012): Recordings of emotional speech with facial expression.

The lab is equipped with hardware and software for basic audio/acoustic measurements. We often develop custom made measurement systems for specific needs of a project.

Some examples of work that has been done in audio/acoustic measurements:

  • Acoustic design (2009): Design and construction of panels for the acoustic treatment of AV Lab. Software for RT60 measurements according to ISO 3382.
  • Measurements for IBBT project TRACK (2010): Measurements of noise levels and RT60 in a fast moving train in the test site of Siemens in Germany.

  • Measurements for FP7 project ALIZE (2011): Testing of the audio and video systems of the robot NAO used in the project. Measurement and testing of localization algorithms of a 4ch microphone array and of NAO's 4ch array housed in the head, microphone array testing and calibration (ongoing work).

  • Measuring delays between audio and video (2011): Delays between audio and video in media production and distribution is one of the most crucial maters. We developed a prototype system for measuring the true delay in the recordings between the audio and video signal, captured by a camera and a microphone. Our measurement has an accuracy of +/- 8msec. This system can be used when audio and video are recorded independently without a common time reference.

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