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Robust Photo-Plethysmography based Multimodal Physiological Sensing

ETRO - LAMI research topic

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Out-of-clinic monitoring and diagnosis is gaining attention in many countries as a means of reducing hospitalisation costs. Many sensor modalities exist to yield information about the physiological status of the human body: heart rate (variability), blood pressure, respiration rate, stress, temperature, blood oxygen saturation, skin conductance, arterial compliance, micro-vascular flow, the electro-encephalogram, etc.

The drive of the group is to bring the laboratory solutions outside the lab. Essential in this strategy is the incorporation of motion and other artefact compensation multi-modal solutions based on photo-plethysmography based sensing. Particularly, different implementations are being explored to obtain robust physiological readings from experiments set outside the lab, in hospital environments and at home, where subjects can be monitored in an unobtrusive fashion without restricting their quality of life.

Scientific Contact

Prof. Dr. Ir. Johan Stiens

+32 (0)2 629 2397

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