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ETRO Publications

Articles in Scientific Journals

IRIS Journal Publications

Click here for this list in IEEE format.


“Omnidirectional Video Quality Index Accounting for Judder”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“A Multi-Modal Deep Network for RGB-D Segmentation of Clothes”, in Electronics Letters

“Design of D-Band Transformer-Based Gain-Boosting Class-AB Power Amplifiers in Silicon Technologies”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers

“Elliptic curve-based proxy re-signcryption scheme for secure data storage on the cloud”, in Concurrency Computation

“Toll-based reinforcement learning for efficient equilibria in route choice”, in The Knowledge Engineering Review

“The effect of a rehabilitation specific gaming software platform to achieve individual physiotherapy goals in children with severe spastic CP: a randomized cross-over trial”, in Games For Health Journal

“A Utility-Based Analysis of Equilibria in Multi-Objective Normal Form Games”, in The Knowledge Engineering Review

“The use of cognitive mobile games to assess the interaction of cognitive function and breath-hold”, in Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology

“Two-level clustering methodology for smart metering data”, in Cuadernos de Administración

“A generic method of wearable items virtual try-on”, in Textile research journal

“Thick Cloud Removal with Optical and SAR Imagery via Convolutional-Mapping -Deconvolutional Network”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Content-Guided Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Global and Local Tensor Sparse Approximation Models for Hyperspectral Image Destriping”, in Remote Sensing

“Collaborative learning of lightweight convolutional neural network and deep clustering for hyperspectral image semi-supervised classification with limited training samples”, in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

“Joint Spatial-spectral Resolution Enhancement of Multispectral Images with Spectral Matrix Factorization and Spatial Sparsity Constraints”, in Remote Sensing

“Multi-Agent Thompson Sampling for Bandit Applications with Sparse Neighbourhood Structures”, in Scientific Reports - Nature

“A Range-Independent Disparity-Based Calibration Model for Structured Light Pattern-Based RGBD Sensor”, in Sensors

“Improving Plane Fitting Accuracy with Rigorous Error Models of Structured Light-Based RGB-D Sensors”, in Remote Sensing

“Automatic Indoor as-Built Building Information Models Generation by Using Low-Cost RGB-D Sensors”, in Sensors

“Message-Based Communication for Heterogeneous Internet of Things Systems”, in Sensors

“Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion via Graph Laplacian Guided Coupled Tenor Decomposition”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Phase added sub-stereograms for accelerating computer generated holography”, in Optics Express

“Object-based digital hologram segmentation and motion compensation”, in Optics Express

“Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection through Sparse Representation with Tensor Decomposition-based Dictionary Construction and Adaptive Weighting”, in IEEE Access

“Defining heat shock response for the thermoacidophilic model crenarchaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, in Extremophiles

“Multi-modal neural networks with multi-scale RGB-T fusion for semantic segmentation”, in Electronics Letters

“Providing a Visual Understanding of Holography Through Phase Space Representations”, in Applied Sciences

“Ventilation heterogeneity in smokers: role of unequal lung expansion and peripheral lung structure”, in Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)

“Optimizations for FPGA-Based Ultrasound Multiple Access Spread Spectrum Ranging”, in Journal of Sensors

“Spatial bandwidth-optimized compression of image plane off-axis holograms with image and video codecs”, in Optics Express

“Frame-wise CNN-based Filtering for Intra-Frame Quality Enhancement of HEVC Videos”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Learning to Estimate the Body Shape Under Clothing from a Single 3D Scan”, in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS

“Data Augmentation of Surface Electromyography for Hand Gesture Recognition”, in Sensors

“Hilbert sEMG data scanning for hand gesture recognition based on deep learning”, in Neural Computing & Applications

“The Effect of Optic Flow Speed on Active Participation during Robot-Assisted Treadmill Walking in Healthy Adults”, in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

“Dedicated processor for hologram calculation using sparse Fourier bases”, in Applied Optics

“Application of evolutionary algorithms to optimise one- and two-dimensional gradient chromatographic separations”, in Journal of Chromatography. A

“A 12-mW 10-GHz FMCW PLL Based on an Integrating DAC With 28-kHz RMS-Frequency-Error for 23-MHz/µs Slope and 1.2-GHz Chirp-Bandwidth”, in IEEE Journal of Solid - State Circuits

“Analytic computation of line-drawn objects in computer generated holography”, in Optics Express

“AI-toolbox: A C++ library for reinforcement learning and planning (with Python Bindings)”, in Journal of Machine Learning Research

“Graph-Deep-Learning-Based Inference of Fine-Grained Air Quality From Mobile IoT Sensors”, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal

“POLICY BRIEF #36: COVID-19 information on Social Media in Europe: A threat or a blessing?”, in SMIT policy briefs

“Synthesized View Quality Assessment Using Feature Matching and Superpixel Difference”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“Multimodal Deep Unfolding for Guided Image Super-Resolution”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“DeepFPC: A Deep Unfolded Network for Sparse Signal Recovery from 1-Bit Measurements With Application to DOA Estimation”, in Signal Processing

“Multi-modal deep network for RGB-D segmentation of clothes”, in Electronics Letters

“An efficient model-level fusion approach for continuous affect recognition from audiovisual signals”, in Neurocomputing

“Feature Augmenting Networks for Improving Depression Severity Estimation from Speech Signals”, in IEEE Access

“Learning Salient Segments for Speech Emotion Recognition Using Attentive Temporal Pooling”, in IEEE Access

“Monocular 3D Facial Expression Features for Continuous Affect Recognition”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“Suitability analysis of holographic vs light field and 2D displays for subjective quality assessment of Fourier holograms”, in Optics Express


“JPEG Pleno: Providing Representation Interoperability for Holographic Applications and Devices”, in ETRI Journal

“Validation of the Wii Balance Board to assess balance modifications induced by increased respiratory loads in healthy subjects”, in Gait and Posture

“Four-dimensional CT as a valid approach to detect and quantify kinematic changes after selective ankle ligament sectioning”, in Scientific Reports - Nature

“Four-dimensional CT as a valid approach to detect and quantify kinematic changes after selective ankle ligament sectioning”, in Scientific Reports - Nature

“Compressed Ultrasound Signal Reconstruction using a Low-rank and Joint-sparse Representation Model”, in IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control

“Symmetric-Key-Based Security for Multicast Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Computers

“Deep-Learning based Lossless Image Coding”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Online Sequential Compressed Sensing with Multiple Information for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“An Inside Perspective on Magma Intrusion: Quantifying 3D Displacement and Strain in Laboratory Experiments by Dynamic X-Ray Computed Tomography”, in Frontiers in Earth Science

“A computational method for the identification of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya virus species and genotypes”, in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases

“Multimodal Image Super-resolution via Joint Sparse Representations induced by Coupled Dictionaries”, in IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

“Continuous affect recognition with weakly supervised learning”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“ORVAL: a novel platform for the prediction and exploration of disease-causing oligogenic variant combinations”, in Nucleic Acids Research

“Predicting disease-causing variant combinations”, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

“Trunk inclination and hip extension mobility, but not thoracic kyphosis angle, are related to 3D-accelerometry based gait alterations and increased fall-risk in older persons”, in Gait and Posture

“Dynamic-range compression scheme for digital hologram using a deep neural network”, in Optics Letters

“Identity-Based and Anonymous Key Agreement Protocol for Fog Computing Resistant in the Canetti-Krawczyk Security Model”, in Wireless Networks

“Impact of JPEG 2000 compression on deep convolutional neural networks for metastatic cancer detection in histopathological images”, in Journal of Medical Imaging

“Wave atoms for digital hologram compression”, in Applied Optics

“Deep-learning-based macro-pixel synthesis and lossless coding of light field images”, in APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing

“Deep-Learning based Depth Estimation for Light Field Images”, in Electronics Letters

“Fleetwide data-enabled reliability improvement of wind turbines”, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

“Design Exploration and Performance Strategies Towards Power-Efficient FPGA-based Architectures for Sound Source Localization”, in Journal of Sensors

“Direct calculation of computer-generated holograms in sparse bases”, in Optics Express

“The operationalization of fatigue in frailty scales: a systematic review”, in Ageing Research Reviews

“Deep coupled-representation learning for sparse linear inverse problems with side information”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“Multi-object tracking in MRI-guided radiotherapy using the tracking-learning-detection framework”, in Radiother Oncol

“CABE: A Cloud-Based Acoustic Beamforming Emulator for FPGA-Based Sound Source Localization”, in Sensors

“CNN-based Intra-Prediction for Lossless HEVC”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Evaluation of Classical Machine Learning Techniques towards Urban Sound Recognition on Embedded Systems”, in Applied Sciences

“Exact global motion compensation for holographic video compression”, in Applied Optics

“Leveraging the Deep Learning Paradigm for Continuous Affect Estimation from Facial Expressions”, in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

“Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks in an IPM Spatial Decision Support System”, in Computers

“Geometric Matrix Completion with Deep Conditional Random Fields”, in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

“Efficient algorithms for the accurate propagation of extreme-resolution holograms”, in Optics Express

“Efficient holographic video generation based on rotational transformation of wavefields”, in Optics Express

“Automatic Multi-Camera Extrinsic Parameter Calibration Based on Pedestrian Torsors”, in Sensors (Switzerland)

“GestureVLAD: Combining Unsupervised Features Representation and Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Doppler-Radar Gesture Recognition”, in IEEE Access

“Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Decision Making: A Utility-based Analysis and Survey”, in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

“Multi-atlas segmentation of the skeleton from whole-body MRI—Impact of iterative background masking”, in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

“Consistent video projection on curved displays”, in Signal Processing : Image Communication

“Accelerating Interactive Reinforcement Learning byHuman Advice for an Assembly Task by a Cobot”, in Robotics

“Linking Property Crime Using Offender Crime Scene Behaviour: A Comparison of Methods”, in Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling

“A Multi-Attribute Blind Quality Evaluator for Tone-mapped Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“Fog-orchestrated and server-controlled anonymous group authentication and key agreement”, in IEEE Access

“Tobacco use and associated risk factors in Burkina Faso: results from a population based cross-sectional survey”, in BMC Public Health

“Action learning and grounding in simulated human–robot interactions”, in The Knowledge Engineering Review

“Enhanced Sparsity Prior Model for Low-rank Tensor Completion”, in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

“Accuracy Assessment of Different Photogrammetric Software for Processing Data from Low-Cost UAV Platforms in Forest Conditions”, in IForest

“Hyper-Laplacian Regularized Nonlocal Low-rank Matrix Recovery for Hyperspectral Image Compressive Sensing Reconstruction”, in Information Sciences

“Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularized Tensor Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Denoising”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Going Deeper with Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Networks for Multispectral Pansharpening”, in Remote Sensing

“Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using Global Weighted Tensor Norm Minimum and Nonlocal Low-Rank Approximation”, in Remote Sensing

“Hyperspectral Images Classification Based on Dense Convolutional Networks with Spectral-Wise Attention Mechanism”, in Remote Sensing

“Multi-Scale Wavelet 3D-CNN Based Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution”, in Remote Sensing

“Nonconvex Tensor Rank Minimization and Its Applications to Tensor Recovery”, in Information Sciences

“Nonlocal Tensor Sparse Representation and Low-Rank Regularization for Hyperspectral Image Compressive Sensing Reconstruction”, in Remote Sensing

“Spectral super-resolution for multispectral image based on spectral improvement strategy and spatial preservation strategy”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Thin Cloud Removal with Residual Symmetrical Concatenation Network”, in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

“A 5.5-GHz Background-Calibrated Subsampling Polar Transmitter With-41.3-dB EVM at 1024 QAM in 28-nm CMOS”, in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

“Multi-User Hybrid MIMO at 60 GHz Using 16-Antenna Transmitters”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers

“Scalable wavelet-based coding of irregular meshes with interactive region-of-interest support”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Plenoptic camera calibration based on microlens distortion modelling”, in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

“Synergies of Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy with Other Remote Sensing Approaches”, in Surveys in Geophysics

“Signal processing challenges for digital holographic video display systems”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Comparing stakeholder incentives across state-of-the-art renewable support mechanisms”, in Renewable Energy

“Evaluation of appendicular lean mass using bio impedance in persons aged 80+: A new equation based on the BUTTERFLY-study”, in Clinical Nutrition


“A Middleware based on Service Oriented Architecture for Heterogeneity Issues within the Internet of Things (MSOAH-IoT)”, in Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

“A new method for personnel selection based on ranking aggregation using a reinforcement learning approach”, in Computacion y Sistemas

“AAA - autonomous anonymous user authentication and its application in V2G”, in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

“Compressive Online Robust Principal Component Analysis via n-l 1 Minimization”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“Exploiting Partial Reconfiguration through PCIe for a Microphone Array Network Emulator”, in International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing

“Optimized Wavelet-Based Texture Representation and Streaming for GPU Texture Mapping”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Registration strategies for multi-modal whole-body MRI mosaicing”, in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

“Ultrasound Imaging From Sparse RF Samples Using System Point Spread Functions”, in IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control

“From Sparse Coding Significance to Perceptual Quality: A New Approach for Image Quality Assessment”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“Fingerprinting codes under the weak marking assumption”, in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

“The long- and short-term variability of breathing induced tumor motion in lung and liver over the course of a radiotherapy treatment”, in Radiotherapy and Oncology

“Hyper-Lapse From Multiple Spatially-Overlapping Videos”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“Twitter data analysis for studying communities of practice in the media industry”, in Telematics and Informatics

“Accelerated computer generated holography using sparse bases in the STFT domain”, in Optics Express

“Intrasubject multimodal groupwise registration with the conditional template entropy”, in Medical Image Analysis

“Accurate label-free 3-part leukocyte recognition with single cell lens-free imaging flow cytometry”, in Computers in Biology and Medicine

“Efficiency analysis methodology of FPGAs based on lost frequencies, area and cycles”, in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

“Coarse-to-fine salient object detection based on deep convolutional neural networks”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“FOV Expansion of Bio-Inspired Multiband Polarimetric Imagers with Convolutional Neural Networks”, in IEEE Photonics Journal

“Colour computer-generated holography for point clouds utilizing the Phong illumination model”, in Optics Express

“Learning Discrete Matrix Factorization Models”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Classification for Hyperspectral Image Based on Dual-Strategy Sample Selection”, in Remote Sensing

“Evaluación experimental del protocolo IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH en una red 6TiSCH”, in Revista de Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

“Can tumor coverage evaluated 24 h post-radiofrequency ablation predict local tumor progression of liver metastases?”, in International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

“Analysis of Internet Protocol based Multicast on Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“Random Subsampling and Data Preconditioning for Ground Penetrating Radars”, in IEEE Access

“Fast and robust Fourier domain-based classification for on-chip lens-free flow cytometry”, in Optics Express

“Unitary Transforms Using Time-Frequency Warping for Digital Holograms of Deep Scenes”, in IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

“Hierarchical sparse coding framework for speech emotion recognition”, in Speech Communication

“Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion via Deep Two-Branches Convolutional Neural Network”, in Remote Sensing

“Compressed sensing mm-wave SAR for non-destructive testing applications using multiple weighted side information”, in Sensors (Switzerland)

“ED-FNN: A new deep learning algorithm to detect percentage of the gait cycle for powered prostheses”, in Sensors

“FPGA-Based Architectures for Acoustic Beamforming with Microphone Arrays: Trends, Challenges and Research Opportunities”, in Computers

“Deformable Dictionary Learning for SAR Image Change Detection”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Based on Spatial and Spectral Correlation Fusion”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Robust Long-term Correlation Tracking using Convolutional Features and Detection Proposals”, in Neurocomputing

“Automated functional upper limb evaluation of patients with Friedreich ataxia using serious games rehabilitation exercises”, in Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

“The end of active video games and the consequences for rehabilitation”, in Physiotherapy Research International.

“The Use of Mobile Games to Assess Cognitive Function of Elderly with and without Cognitive Impairment”, in Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

“3D Analysis of Upper Limbs Motion during Rehabilitation Exercises Using the KinectTM Sensor: Development, Laboratory Validation and Clinical Application”, in Sensors

“Parallel Rendezvous-Based Association for IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Networks”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“Global motion compensation for compressing holographic videos”, in Optics Express

“Time to Harmonize Dengue Nomenclature and Classification”, in Viruses

“Evaluation of data balancing techniques. Application to CAD of lung nodules using the LUNA16 framework”, in Revista de Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

“Sparse signal recovery with multiple prior information: algorithm and measurement bounds”, in Signal Processing

“Random forest regression for online capacity estimation of lithium-ion batteries”, in Applied Energy

“An Iterative Image Dehazing Method with Polarization”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“Total Variation and Rank-1 Constraint RPCA for Background Subtraction”, in IEEE Access

“Predicting tumour motion during the whole radiotherapy treatment: a systematic approach for thoracic and abdominal lesions based on real time MR”, in Radiotherapy and Oncology

“Dictionary Learning-based, Directional and Optimized Prediction for Lenslet Image Coding”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Residual-error prediction based on deep learning for lossless image compression”, in Electronics Letters

“3-D Sequential Stacked Planar Devices Featuring Low-Temperature Replacement Metal Gate Junctionless Top Devices With Improved Reliability”, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

“Augmenting Microsoft's HoloLens with vuforia tracking for neuronavigation”, in Healthcare Technology Letters

“Reduced-reference quality assessment of multiply-distorted images based on structural and uncertainty information degradation”, in Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation


“Q-learning algorithm performance for m-machine, n-jobs flow shop scheduling problems to minimize makespan”, in Investigacion Operacional

“Wavelet-Based L-infinity Semi-regular Mesh Coding”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients”, in New England Journal of Medicine

“Comparison of micro-CT imaging and histology for approximal caries detection”, in Scientific Reports - Nature

“Multi-Modal Dictionary Learning for Image Separation With Application In Art Investigation”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“Cradle Removal in X-Ray Images of Panel Paintings”, in IPOL Journal - Image Processing On Line

“Review and Classification of Multichannel MAC Protocols for Low-Power and Lossy Networks”, in IEEE Access

“Compressed sensing with prior Information: Strategies, geometry, and bounds”, in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

“Hourglass-ShapeNetwork Based Semantic Segmentation for High Resolution Aerial Imagery”, in Remote Sensing

“Multiterminal Source Coding with Copula Regression for Wireless Sensor Networks Gathering Diverse Data”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“Bounds and Conditions for Compressive Digital Holography Using Wavelet Sparsifying Bases”, in IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

“Heterogeneous networked data recovery from compressive measurements using a copula prior”, in IEEE Transactions on Communications

“Introduction to the Special Issue on Measuring Quality of Experience for Advanced Media Technologies and Services”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing

“JPEG Privacy and Security Framework for Social Networking and GLAM Services”, in EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing

“Regularized non-convex image reconstruction in digital holographic microscopy”, in Optics Express

“Studies on the sparsifying operator in compressive digital holography”, in Optics Express

“Heterogeneous acceleration of volumetric JPEG 2000 using OpenCL”, in International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications

“Scalable feature-preserving irregular mesh coding”, in Computer Graphics Forum

“Color correction for large-baseline multiview video”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Scalable texture compression using the wavelet transform”, in The Visual Computer

“Image Fusion for Spatial Enhancement of Hyperspectral Image via Pixel Group Based Non-Local Sparse Representation”, in Remote Sensing

“Joint Hyperspectral Super-Resolution and Unmixing with Interactive Feedback”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Learning and Transferring Deep Joint Spectral-Spatial Features for Hyperspectral Classification”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“No-Reference Hyperspectral Image Quality Assessment via Quality-Sensitive Features Learning”, in Remote Sensing

“Polarization Guided Auto-Regressive Model for Depth Recovery”, in IEEE Photonics Journal

“DC Grids for Smart LED-Based Lighting: The EDISON Solution”, in Energies

“Experimental Comparison of Radio Duty Cycling Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“Design Considerations When Accelerating an FPGA-Based Digital Microphone Array for Sound-Source Localization”, in Journal of Sensors

“BMRF: Bidirectional Multicast RPL Forwarding”, in Ad Hoc Networks

“On construction of multi-maximum distance separable (MDS) matrix generator based on high dimensional Cat matrices”, in Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics

“Socio-cognitively inspired ant colony optimization”, in Journal of Computational Science

“Exact and Heuristic Methods for Solving Boolean Games”, in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

“Efficient and Effective Learning of HMMs Based on Identification of Hidden States”, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

“Decentralized Multi-Robot Formation Control with Communication Delay and Asynchronous Clock”, in Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems

“A Design That Incorporates Adaptive Reservation into Mixed-Criticality Systems”, in Scientific Programming

“Assessing the effect of shape on the evaluation of expected and actual chocolate flavour”, in Flavour Journal

“Robust Multiview Synthesis For Wide-Baseline Camera Arrays”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“A Review of Urban Air Pollution Monitoring and Exposure Assessment Methods”, in ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

“PhyloGeoTool: interactively exploring large phylogenies in an epidemiological context”, in Bioinformatics

“Exploring resistance pathways for first-generation NS3/4A protease inhibitors boceprevir and telaprevir using Bayesian network learning”, in Infection, Genetics and Evolution

“Multi-objectivization and ensembles of shapings in reinforcement learning”, in Neurocomputing

“Restoring Hip Biomechanics with Cemented Femoral Hip Implants, a 3D Templating Study”, in Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British Volume

“A 21-dBm I/Q Digital Transmitter Using Stacked Output Stage in 28-nm Bulk CMOS Technology”, in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques


“Interaction detection with depth sensing and body tracking cameras in physical rehabilitation”, in Methods of Information in Medicine

“Comparison of spatial and aspatial logistic regression models for landmine risk mapping”, in Applied Geography

“Development and validation of an automated and marker-free CT-based spatial analysis method (CTSA) for assessment of femoral hip implant migration In vitro accuracy and precision comparable to that of radiostereometric analysis (RSA)”, in Acta Orthopaedica

“Removal of Canvas Patterns in Digital Acquisitions of Paintings”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“Removing Cradle Artifacts in X-Ray Images of Paintings”, in SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences

“Data-Driven Modules for Objective Visual Quality Assessment Focusing on Benchmarking and SLAs”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing

“On the rate-distortion function for binary source coding with side information”, in IEEE Transactions on Communications

“Decentralized time-synchronized channel swapping for ad hoc wireless networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

“Real-time distributed video coding for 1K-pixel visual sensor networks”, in Journal of Electronic Imaging

“Efficient multiscale phase unwrapping methodology with modulo wavelet transform”, in Optics Express

“A novel MPI reduction algorithm resilient to imbalances in process arrival times”, in The Journal of Supercomputing

“JPEG Pleno: Toward an Efficient Representation of Visual Reality”, in IEEE Multimedia

“Effects of forest structure and airborne laser scanning point cloud density on 3D delineation of individual tree crowns”, in European Journal of Remote Sensing

“Coupled Sparse Denoising and Unmixing With Low-Rank Constraint for Hyperspectral Image”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Potential of Resolution-Enhanced Hyperspectral Data for Mineral Mapping Using Simulated EnMAP and Sentinel-2 Images: Special Issue The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) Mission: Preparing for Its Scientific Exploitation”, in Remote Sensing

“Tune That Beer! Listening for the Pitch of Beer”, in Beverages

“Service composition with quality of service management in environmental sensor networks”, in International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing

“PCA-based groupwise image registration for quantitative MRI”, in Medical Image Analysis

“Local attenuation curve optimization framework for high quality perfusion maps in low-dose cerebral perfusion CT”, in Medical Physics

“The Forward Procedure for HSMMs based on Expected Duration”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“Solving stable matching problems using answer set programming”, in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

“Predicting Seat-Off and Detecting Start-of-Assistance Events for Assisting Sit-to-Stand with an Exoskeleton”, in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

“Conditional Independencies under the Algorithmic Independence of Conditionals”, in Journal of Machine Learning Research

“A Survey on Multiview Video Synthesis and Editing”, in Tsinghua Science and Technology

“EmSBot: A modular framework supporting the development of swarm robotics applications”, in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

“Behaviour and Performance Comparison between FreeRTOS and uC/OS-III”, in International Journal of Embedded Systems

“Open source FreeRTOS as a case study in real-time operating system evolution”, in Journal of Systems and Software

““Smooth operator”: Music modulates the perceived creaminess, sweetness, and bitterness of chocolate”, in Appetite

“The influence of soundscapes on the perception and evaluation of beers”, in Food Quality and Preference

“Music Influences Hedonic and Taste Ratings in Beer”, in Frontiers in Psychology

“Multiview Conversion of 2D Cartoon Images”, in Communications in Information and Systems

“Adaptive-rate reconstruction of time-varying signals with application in compressive foreground extraction”, in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing


“Interchangeability of the Wii Balance BoardTM for bipedal balance assessment”, in JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies

“Balance improvement after physical therapy training using specially developed serious games for cerebral palsy children: preliminary results”, in Disability and Rehabilitation

“A novel concept for tissue-metal detection and differentiation using an inductive proximity sensor”, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

“Hidden semi-Markov Models for Predictive Maintenance”, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

“Image Processing for Art Investigation”, in Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis

“Digital Image Processing of The Ghent Altarpiece: Supporting the painting's study and conservation treatment”, in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

“Relevance Units Machine based Dimensional and Continuous Speech Emotion Prediction”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Model-aided Navigation with Sea Current Estimation for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”, in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

“Fast Desynchronization For Decentralized Multichannel Medium Access Control”, in IEEE Transactions on Communications

“Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding With Copula-Function-Based Correlation Modeling for Wireless Sensors Measuring Temperature”, in IEEE Sensors Journal

“Computer-generated holograms by multiple wavefront recording plane method with occlusion culling”, in Optics Express

“Spatio-Temporally Consistent Color and Structure Optimization for Multiview Video Color Correction”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“Wavelet based volumetric medical image compression”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Color retargeting: Interactive time-varying color image composition from time-lapse sequences”, in Computational Visual Media

“Audiovisual speech synthesis: An overview of the state-of-the-art”, in Speech Communication

“Impact of environmental factors on the spectral characteristics of lava surfaces: field spectrometry of basaltic lava flows on Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain”, in Remote Sensing

“A Wideband Beamforming Lowpass Filter for 60 GHz Phased-Array Receivers”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers

“A 42 mW 200 fs-Jitter 60 GHz Sub-Sampling PLL in 40 nm CMOS”, in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS

“Using sound-taste correspondences to enhance the subjective value of tasting experiences”, in Frontiers in Psychology

“Does Music Influence the Multisensory Tasting Experience?”, in Journal of Sensory Studies

“An Ultrasonic Multiple-Access Ranging Core Based on Frequency Shift Keying Towards Indoor Localization”, in Sensors

“Schedule-based multi-channel communication in wireless sensor networks: A complete design and performance evaluation”, in Ad Hoc Networks

“A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Interdomain Routing with Link Prices”, in ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)

“Effects of caffeine and maltodextrin mouth rinsing on P300, brain imaging, and cognitive performance”, in Journal of Applied Physiology

“A comparison of two clinical correlation models used for real-time tumor tracking of semi-periodic motion: A focus on geometrical accuracy in lung and liver cancer patients”, in Radiotherapy and Oncology

“Dual-energy CT after radiofrequency ablation of liver, kidney, and lung lesions: a review of features”, in Insights Imaging

“Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Signal Processing in Deeply Technology-Scaled Transceivers”, in Journal of Signal Processing Systems

“Business Hypervisors for Real-time Applications”, in Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research

“Real-time capabilities in the standard Linux Kernel: How to enable and use them?”, in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication


“A low-cost visual sensor network for elderly care”, in SPIE Newsroom

“Determination of repeatability of Kinect™ sensor”, in Telemedicine and e-Health

“A Locally Adaptive System for the Fusion of Objective Quality Measures”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“High-resolution 3D micro-CT imaging of breast microcalcifications: a preliminary analysis”, in BMC Cancer

“Validity and reliability of the Kinect within functional assessment activities: Comparison with standard stereophotogrammetry”, in Gait and Posture

“Can the Kinect sensor be used for motion analysis?”, in Transaction on Electrical and Electronic Circuits and Systems

“Can serious games be incorporated with conventional treatment of children with cerebral palsy? A review”, in Research in Developmental Disabilities

“Determination of the precision and accuracy of morphological measurements using the Kinect™ sensor: comparison with standard stereophotogrammetry”, in Ergonomics

“Spectral Aging Model Applied to Meteosat First Generation Visible Band”, in Remote Sensing

“Can serious games be incorporated with conventional treatment of children with cerebral palsy? A review”, in Research in Developmental Disabilities

“Weakly convex discontinuity adaptive regularization for 3D quantitative microwave tomography”, in Inverse Problems

“Objectifying Facial Expressivity Assessment of Parkinson Patients: Preliminary Study”, in Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

“Progressively refined Wyner-Ziv video coding for visual sensors”, in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

“The No-Rate-Loss Property of Wyner-Ziv Coding in the Z-Channel Correlation Case”, in Communications Letters, IEEE

“Maximum Likelihood Laplacian Correlation Channel Estimation in Layered Wyner-Ziv Coding”, in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

“JPEG 2000-based compression of fringe patterns for digital holographic microscopy”, in Optical Engineering

“3D Visualisation”, in iMinds Insights

“Lightweight real-time error-resilient encoding of visual sensor data”, in Journal of Real-Time Image Processing

“A statistical testing framework for evaluating the quality of measurement processes”, in Journal of Applied Statistics

“Biodiversity mapping in a tropical West African forest with airborne hyperspectral data”, in PLoS ONE

“Robust locally weighted regression for supperresolution enhancement of multi-angle remote sensing imagery”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

“Assessing the performance of two unsupervised dimensionality reduction techniques on hyperspectral APEX data for high resolution urban land-cover mapping”, in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

“Turbo codes for multi-hop wireless sensor networks with decode-and-forward mechanism”, in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

“ABox: New method for evaluating wireless acoustic-sensor networks”, in Applied Acoustics

“Towards an Environmental Measurement Cloud: Delivering Pollution Awareness to the Public”, in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

“SoundCompass: A Distributed MEMS Microphone Array-Based Sensor for Sound Source Localization”, in Sensors

“Predictive Value of Pattern Classification 24 Hours after Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Metastases on CT and Positron Emission Tomography/CT”, in Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology

“Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning using Sets of Pareto Dominating Policies”, in Journal of Machine Learning Research

“A Decentralized Approach for Convention Emergence in Multi-Agent Systems”, in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

“Tuning hydrostatic two-output drive-train controllers using reinforcement learning”, in Mechatronics

“A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Coordinate Exploration with Limited Communication in Continuous Action Games”, in Knowledge Engineering Review

“Model-based and model-free learning strategies for wet clutch control”, in Mechatronics

“Creation and Evaluation of Educational Tools for E-Learning Based on Videomodels”, in International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy

“Ultrasonic Multiple-Access Ranging System Using Spread Spectrum and MEMS Technology for Indoor Localization”, in Sensors

“Towards a complementary balanced energy harvesting solution for low power embedded systems”, in Microsystem Technologies


“Applicability of an effective conductivity approach in modeling thoracic impedance changes”, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

“End-to-end security for video distribution: The combination of encryption, watermarking, and video adaptation”, in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

“Les jeux vidéo (bientôt) au service des patients?”, in Médecine Sciences

“Phased searching with NEAT in a time-scaled framework: Experiments on a computer-aided detection system for lung nodules”, in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

“JPSearch: an Answer to the Lack of Standardization in Mobile Image Retrieval”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Evidence of pre-launch characterization problem of Meteosat-7 visible spectral response curve”, in Remote Sensing Letters

“Crack detection and inpainting for virtual restoration of paintings: The case of the Ghent Altarpiece”, in Signal Processing

“Modeling the aging effects of Meteosat-7 visible band”, in Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

“Assessment of regional adipose tissue depots: A DXA and CT comparison in cadavers of elderly persons”, in Experimental Gerontology

“Optimal configuration of an electrode array for measuring ventricles' contraction”, in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

“End-to-End Security for Video Distribution”, in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

“Augmented Lagrangian-based approach for dense three-dimensional structure and motion estimation from binocular image sequences”, in IET Computer Vision

“Encoder-driven rate control and mode decision for distributed video coding”, in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing

“Encryption for high efficiency video coding with video adaptation capabilities”, in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

“JPEG's JPSearch Standard: Harmonizing Image Management and Search”, in IEEE Multimedia

“Comprehensive many-to-many phoneme-to-viseme mapping and its application for concatenative visual speech synthesis”, in Speech Communication

“Alveolar Nerve Unfolding Technique for Synoptic Analysis: Visualization and Quantification of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Tracings in Three-dimensional Cone-Beam Computed Tomography”, in The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery

“On the augmented reproducibility in measurements on 3D orthodontic digital dental models and the definition of feature points”, in Australian Orthodontic Journal

“Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution by Spatial-Spectral Joint Nonlocal Similarity”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

“Active Self-Testing Noise Measurement Sensors for Large-Scale Environmental Sensor Networks”, in Sensors

“Adaptive Learning Based Scheduling in Multichannel Protocol for Energy-Efficient Data-Gathering Wireless Sensor Networks”, in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

“Applying PTF/VTF routing policies in multilayer IP/MPLS-based ASON/GMPLS multi-domain networks”, in Photonic Network Communications

“Is abdominal compression useful in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy? A 4DCT and dosimetric lobe-dependent study”, in Physica Medica

“A Direct Inversion Method for Non-Uniform Quasi-Random Point Sequences”, in Monte Carlo Methods and Applications

“Finding Days-of-week Representation for Intelligent Machine Usage Profiling”, in Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information

“GENESHIFT: a non-parametric approach for integrating microarray gene expression data, based on the inner product as a distance measure between the distributions of genes”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

“Statistical validation of the acceleration of the differentiation at the expense of the proliferation in human epidermal cells exposed to extremely low frequency electric fields”, in Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology

“Comparing the predictive accuracy of case linkage methods in serious sexual assaults”, in Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling

“Algorithms for Discovery of Multiple Markov Boundaries”, in Journal of Machine Learning Research

“Benchmarking the Performance of Microsoft Hyper-V server, VMware ESXi and Xen Hypervisors”, in Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences

“A Performance Comparison between Enlightenment and Emulation in Microsoft Hyper-V”, in Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Hardware & Computation

“Evaluating the performance and behavior of RT-Xen”, in International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications

“Full and Para-Virtualization with Xen: A Performance Comparison”, in Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences

“Android and Real-Time Applications: Take Care!”, in Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences

“Linux PREEMPT-RT vs. Commercial RTOSs: How Big is the Performance Gap?”, in GSTF Journal on Computing

“Performance Modeling for FPGAs: Extending the Roofline Model with High-Level Synthesis Tools”, in International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing

“Reconfigurable and Modular Mobile Robotics Platform for Remote Experiments”, in International Journal of Online Engineering

“Experimental Analysis of Small Scale PCB Manufacturing Techniques for Fablabs”, in International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research

“Formal virtualization requirements for the ARM architecture”, in Journal of Systems Architecture


“Ultrasound elastography as an objective diagnostic measurement tool for lymphoedema of the treated breast in breast cancer patients following breast conserving surgery and radiotherapy”, in Radiology and Oncology

“Ambulatory cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring as an essential ubiquitous healthcare service – development of a simulation model”, in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics

“The action game: a computational model for learning repertoires of goals and vocabularies to express them in a population of agents”, in Interaction Studies

“Symmetric Scalable Multiple Description Scalar Quantization”, in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

“Digital canvas removal in paintings”, in Signal Processing

“Probabilistic motion-compensated prediction in distributed video coding”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Ambulatory cardiogenic pulmonary edema monitoring as an essential ubiquitous healthcare service – development of a simulation model”, in Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics

“Inzoomen op het Lam Gods”, in Eos Magazine

“Closer to Van Eyck - an Artwork in Digital Image Processing”, in DSP Valley Newsletter

“The near shift-invariance of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform revisited”, in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

“Impact of Urban Land-Cover Classification on Groundwater Recharge Uncertainty”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

“Audio Visual Emotion Recognition Based on the Triple Stream DBN Models”, in Computer Engineering

“Combined Hierarchical Watershed Segmentation and SVM classification for Pap-Smear Cell Nucleus Extraction”, in Computacion y Sistemas - An International journal of computing science and applications

“Partial differential equation-based dense 3D structure and motion estimation from monocular image sequences”, in IET Computer Vision

“The Effect of Material Modeling on Finite Element Analysis of Human Breast Biomechanics: a simplified finite element model of the human breast”, in J. Appl Biomater Function Mater

“Wyner-Ziv video coding for wireless lightweight multimedia applications”, in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

“Maximum likelihood motion compensation for distributed video coding”, in Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

“Distributed video coding with feedback channel constraints”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Decoder-driven mode decision in a block-based distributed video codec”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“Efficient low-delay distributed video coding”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Side-information dependent correlation channel estimation in hash-based distributed video coding”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“JPSearch: Metadata Interoperability During Image Exchange”, in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

“"JPEG investigates high-throughput compression technology over display stream transports", Press Release of the 58th ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2012-07-09 to 2012-07-12, Paris, France”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“"ISO/IEC Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the JPEG Compression Standard", Press Release of the 57th ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2012-02-06 to 2012-02-10, San Jose, California, USA”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“An evaluation of ensemble classifiers for mapping Natura 2000 heathland in Belgium using spaceborne angular hyperspectral (CHRIS/Proba) imagery”, in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

“Mapping impervious surfaces from superresolution enhanced CHRIS/Proba imagery using multiple endmember unmixing”, in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

“An operational superresolution approach for multi-temporal and multi-angle remotely sensed imagery”, in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

“Multiple endmember unmixing of CHRIS/Proba imagery for mapping impervious surfaces in urban and suburban environments”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Hierarchical routing and traffic grooming in IP/MPLS-based ASON/GMPLS multi-domain networks”, in Photonic Network Communications

“Automated segmentation of a motion mask to preserve sliding motion in deformable registration of thoracic CT”, in Med Phys

“Conservative Independence-Based Causal Structure Learning in Absence of Adjacency Faithfulness”, in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning

“Unlocking the potential of publicly available microarray data using inSilicoDb and inSilicoMerging R/Bioconductor packages”, in BMC Bioinformatics

“InSilico DB genomic datasets hub: an efficient starting point for analysing genomewide studies in GenePattern, Integrative Genomics Viewer, and R/Bioconductor”, in Genome Biology

“GA(M)E-QSAR: A novel, fully automatic Genetic-Algorithm-(Meta)-Ensembles approach for binary classification in ligand-based drug design”, in Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

“Batch effect removal methods for microarray gene expression data integration: a survey”, in Briefings in Bioinformatics

“Decentralised reinforcement learning for energy-efficient scheduling in wireless sensor networks”, in International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems

“A survey on filter techniques for feature selection in gene expression microarray analysis”, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

“InSilico DB genomic datasets hub: an efficient starting point for analyzing genome-wide studies in GenePattern, Integrative Genomics Viewer, and R/Bioconductor”, in Genome Biology

“Postural changes of the upper body in breast cancer patients following surgical and adjuvant treatment”, in Physiotherapy

“Ultrasound Elastography as an objective diagnostic measurement tool for lymphedema of the treated breast in breast cancer patients following breast conserving surgery and radiotherapy”, in Radiology and Oncology

“Replacing Causal Faithfulness with Algorithmic Independence of Conditionals”, in Minds and Machines

“Information-geometric approach to inferring causal directions”, in Artificial Intelligence

“Assuring Interoperability Between Heterogeneous (IPv4/IPv6) Networks Without using Protocol Translation”, in IETE Technical Review

“Comparative Study of Electronics Visualisation Techniques for E-Learning”, in International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy

“Sensor Systems Based on FPGAs and Their Applications: A Survey”, in Sensors

“Secure event logging in sensor networks”, in Computers and Mathematics with Applications


“A novel computer-aided lung nodule detection system for CT images”, in Medical Physics

“Reliability and clinical correlates of 3D-accelerometry based gait analysis outcomes according to age and fall-risk”, in Gait and Posture

“A shape prior constraint for implicit active contours”, in Pattern Recognition Letters

“Vascular active contour for vessel tree segmentation”, in IEEE Trans Biomed Eng

“Audio Visual Fusion Speech Recognition Model Based on Articulatory Feature”, in Computer Engineering

“Smooth Adaptive Fitting of 3D Face Model for the Estimation of Rigid and Non-rigid Facial Motion in Video Sequences”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication


“Visual-based simultaneous localization and mapping and global positioning system correction for geo-localization of a mobile robot”, in Measurement Science and Technology

“"ISO/IEC publishes JPSearch Part 5: “Data interchange format between image repositories” as an International Standard (ISO/IEC 24800-5)", Press Release of the 56th ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2011-11-21 to 2011-11-24, Lausanne, Switzerland”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“"ISO/IEC 10918 (JPEG) Part 6 – Application to Printing Systems Advances to Draft International Standard (DIS)", Press Release of the 55th ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2011-07-11 to 2011-07-15, Berlin, Germany”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“"JPEG Innovations Workshop Highlights on 3D and HDR Markets", Press Release of the 54th ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2011-02-21 to 2011-02-25, Tokyo, Japan”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“Quantitative measurement for the homogeneity and contrast of the step edges in satellite image point spread function estimation”, in International Journal of Remote Sensing

“Preliminary results of superresolution enhanced angular hyperspectral (CHRIS/Proba) images for land cover classification”, in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

“Long term monitoring of wetlands along the Western-Greek bird migration route using Landsat and ASTER satellite images: Amvrakikos Gulf (Greece)”, in Journal for Nature Conservation

“A Mutual Algorithm for Optimizing Distributed Source Coding on Wireless Sensor Networks”, in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

“Optimization of common pool resource sharing in multidomain IP-over-WDM networks”, in Computer Communications

“Evaluation of registration methods on thoracic CT: the EMPIRE10 challenge”, in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

“Spatiotemporal motion estimation for respiratory-correlated imaging of the lungs”, in Med Phys

“InSiIicoDb: an R/Bioconductor package for accessing human Affymetrix expert-curated datasets from GEO”, in Bioinformatics

“Molecular dynamics and docking simulations as a proof of high flexibility in E. coli FabH and its relevance for accurate inhibitor modeling”, in Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design

“Configuring Hosts to Auto-detect (IPv6, IPv6-in-IPv4, or IPv4) Network Connectivity”, in KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

“Exploiting Local IPv4-only Access Networks to Deliver IPv6 Service to End-users”, in International Journal of Computers and Communications

“AIN-SLT: Assuring Interoperability between Heterogeneous Networks (IPv4/IPv6) Using Socket-Layer Translator”, in American Journal of Scientific Research

“Decoupling Application IPv4/IPv6 Operation from the Underlying IPv4/IPv6 Communication (DAC)”, in American Journal of Scientific Research

“Implementation of a Server Architecture for Secure Reconfiguration of Embedded Systems”, in ARPN Journal of Systems and Software

“Correlation analysis of noise and ultrafine particle counts in a street canyon”, in Science of the Total Environment


“Met de gsm als gids”, in Eos Magazine

“Scalable Intraband and Composite Coding of Semi-regular Meshes”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“Scalable L-infinite Coding of Meshes”, in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

“Evaluation of the radiation dose in micro-CT with optimization of the scan protocol”, in Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging

“Separation of CARS image contributions with a Gaussian mixture model”, in Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision

“Een blik achter het schilderij”, in Eos Magazine

“Geheimschrift 2.0”, in Eos Magazine

“Combining Dense structure from Motion and Visual SLAM in a Behavior-based Robot Control Architecture”, in International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

“Multi-Sensor SLAM Approach for Robot Navigation”, in Sensors & Transducers Journal

“Exploiting quantization and spatial correlation in virtual-noise modeling for distributed video coding”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Rate-distortion driven decoder-side bitplane mode decision for distributed video coding”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Hybrid TOA-AOA location positioning techniques in GSM networks”, in Wireless Personal Communications

“Efficient adaptive-shape partitioning of video”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications

“"JPEG announces JPEG Innovations Workshop on Feb. 23, 2011, Tokyo, Japan", Press Release of the 53rd ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2010-10-11 to 2010-10-15, Guangzhou, China”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“"JPEG announces the publications of JPSearch Query Format and JPEG XR software",Press Release of the 52nd ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2010-07-12 to 2010-07-16, Brussels, Belgium”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“"JPEG launches Innovations group, new book « JPEG 2000 Suite » published", Press Release of the 51st ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG 1 Meeting, 2010-03-15 to 2010-03-19, Needham, Massachusetts, USA”, in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 (JPEG)

“Tonal Synchrony in Mother-Infant Interaction based on Harmonic and Pentatonic Series”, in Infant Behavior and Development

“Novel information theory based method for superimposition of lateral head radiographs and cone beam computed tomography images”, in DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology

“Fully automatic subpixel image registration of multiangle CHRIS/Proba data”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Superresolution enhancement of hyperspectral CHRIS/Proba images with a Thin Plate Spine non-rigid transform model”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Integrated routing in GMPLS-based IP/WDM networks”, in Photonic Network Communications

“Logical topology design for IP rerouting: ASONs versus static OTNs”, in Photonic Network Communications

“Learning to coordinate in complex networks”, in Adaptive Behavior

“Analyzing the Dynamics of Stigmergetic Interactions through Pheromone Games”, in Theoretical Computer Science

“On the ability of consumer electronics microphones for environmental noise monitoring”, in Journal of Environmental Monitoring

“Field-programmable gate array implementation of an all-digital IEEE 802.15.4-compliant transceiver”, in International Journal of Electronics

“Evaluation of the radiation dose in micro-CT with optimization of the scan protocol”, in Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging


“Overlapped block motion estimation and probabilistic compensation with application in distributed video coding”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“Impact of stem-broach sizing on the cement mantle of Lubinus SP II stems. A CT scan analysis”, in Acta Orthopædica Belgica

“Automated Feature Selection in Neuroevolution”, in Evolutionary Intelligence

“The cement mantle of femoral hip implants is more influenced by stem-broach sizing than by shape: an in vitro CT analysis of straight Charnley-Kerboul and anatomic Lubinus SPII stems”, in Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

“2D image registration using focused mutual information for application in dentistry”, in Computers in Biology and Medicine

“Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images”, in International Journal of Computer Vision

“Development of a behaviour-based control and software architecture for a visually guided mine detection robot”, in Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés

“Speech driven realistic mouth animation based on multi-modal unit selection”, in Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces

“Splitting-based conjugate gradient method for a multi-dimensional linear inverse heat conduction problem”, in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

“Combined wavelet-domain and motion-compensated video denoising based on video codec motion estimation methods”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Impact of JPEG 2000 compression on lesion detection in MR imaging”, in Medical Physics

“On the importance of audiovisual coherence for the perceived quality of synthesized visual speech”, in EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing

“Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on a mangrove forest assessed by a 1D-cellular automaton model using Lotka-Volterra type competition”, in International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics

“An assessment of geometric activities features for classification of urban man-made objects using meter resolution imagery”, in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing

“Service differentiation in IP/MPLS over ASON/GMPLS networks”, in Photonic Network Communications

“Stochastic simulation of the chemoton”, in Artificial Life

“Validation of Merging Techniques for Cancer Microarray Data Sets”, in Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems

“A Direct Down-conversion Receiver for Low-power Wireless Sensor Networks”, in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

“Software Architecture and Support for Patient Tracking Systems in Critical Scenarios”, in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology


“Scalable Joint Source-Channel Coding for the Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Scalable Joint Source and Channel Coding of Meshes”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“A Low-Complexity UEP Methodology Demonstrated on a Turbo-Encoded Wavelet Image Satellite Downlink”, in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

“Signal representation and processing of nucleotide sequences”, in International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine

“Time-course of contrast enhancement in spleen and liver with Exia 160, Fenestra LC, and VC”, in Mol Imaging Biol

“Computer-aided recognition of a four-chamber image plane in three-dimensional echocardiographic images of children”, in J. Electron. Imaging

“Region competition based active contour for medical object extraction”, in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

“Markov random field-based clustering applied to the segmentation of masses in digital mammograms ”, in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

“Scale Selection for Compact Scale-Space Representation of Vector-Valued Images”, in International Journal of Computer Vision

“A Nonlinear Iterative Reconstruction and Analysis Approach to Shape-Based Approximate Electromagnetic Tomography”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“A Non-local Boundary Value problem method for Parabolic Equations Backward in time”, in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

“A Stochastic Framework for the Identification of Building Rooftops Using a Single Remote Sensing Image”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Estimation of piecewise constant coefficients of parabolic equations: applications to the detection of buried objects”, in Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering

“Infrared thermography for buried landmine detection: inverse problem setting”, in The IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Hoge Definitie Televisie, een uitdaging”, in Het Ingenieursblad

“Revised Standard”, in Enterprise Imaging and Therapeutic Radiology Management

“Multimedia over Wireless Networks”, in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

“Context adaptive image denoising through modeling of curvelet domain statistics”, in Journal of Electronic Imaging

“Improved classification of VHR images of urban areas using directional morphological profiles”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Evaluation of Random Forest and Adaboost tree-based ensemble classification and spectral band selection for ecotope mapping using airborne hyperspectral imagery”, in Remote Sensing of Environment

“Enabling High Availability over Multiple Optical Networks”, in IEEE Communications Magazine

“Approximal caries diagnosis after data import from different digital radiographic systems: inter observer agreement and comparison to histological hard-tissue sections”, in Caries Research

“The evolution of prompt reaction to adverse ties”, in BMC Evolutionary Biology

“Decentralized Learning in Markov Games”, in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B: Cybernetics)

“Modeling the Performance of Communication Schemes on Network Topologies”, in Parallel Processing Letters


“La radiographie numérique par soustraction en médecine dentaire”, in Revue Belge de Médecine Dentaire

“Scalable Multiple-Description Image Coding Based on Embedded Quantization”, in EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing

“Volumetric image compression with JPEG2000”, in Biomedical Optics & Medical Imaging, SPIE Newsroom

“Giga, Tera, Petabytes: Kan de radiologie ze nog het hoofd bieden?”, in Het Ingenieursblad

“Overlap insensitive image registration combining MI and feature points”, in Medical Image Analysis

“Digitale substractieradiografie in de tandheelkunde”, in Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde

“Robust Shape-based Head Tracking”, in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2007) ,Delft, The Netherlands

“Scale selection for compact scale-space representation of vector-valued images”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

“Audiovisual Scene Analysis: Mother-Child Communication”, in BIOINGENIERÍA

“Finite-Difference Methods and Validity of a Thermal Model for Landmine Detection With Soil Property Estimation”, in IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Numerical solution to a nonlinear parabolic boundary control problem”, in Advances in Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis

“Region-oriented Visual Attention-based Activity Detection”, in Attention in Cognitive Systems

“Scalable, Wavelet-based Video: from Server to Accelerated Client”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

“Power-aware computing systems”, in International Journal of Embedded Systems

“In-band scalable video coding with integrated wavelet-based display driving”, in Journal of the Society for Information Display

“Crisishulp aan huis in Vlaanderen. Een uitkomstonderzoek”, in Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek

“Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van het educatief programma ‘Pak van mijn Hart’ bij kinderen met depressieve symptomen”, in Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en Klinische Kinderpsychologie

“The Practical Use of ESRL For Conflicting Interest Games”, in MICC Technical Report Series

“Exploring selfish reinforcement learning in repeated games with stochastic rewards”, in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems


“A computational model of intention reading in imitation”, in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

“Embedded Multiple Description Coding of Video”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“Wavelet-based Scalable L-infinity-oriented Compression”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“A method to construct flat maps of the brain's surface and it's application”, in International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

“CT analysis of defects of the cement mantle and alignment of the stem: In vitro comparison of charnley-kerboul femoral hip implants inserted line-to-line and undersized in paired femora”, in Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British Volume

“Active stereo vision-based mobile robot navigation for person tracking”, in Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

“A bayesian formulation of edge-stopping functions in nonlinear diffusion”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“Facial Analysis and Synthesis Scheme”, in Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS2006)

“Motion estimation by hybrid diffusion: Theory and implementation”, in Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems

“Tele-robot with Shared Autonomy: Distributed Navigation Development Framework”, in Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

“Bandbreedte: kwaliteit versus snelheid ?”, in Het Ingenieursblad

“Belgacom en Telenet introduceren IDTV in Vlaanderen”, in Het Ingenieursblad

“Expressive Speech Recognition and Synthesis as Enabling Technologies for Affective Robot-Child Communication”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

“Reactiekinetiek herbekenen”, in Nieuw archief voor wiskunde

“De educatieve beroepskrachten en coördinatoren van de Vlaamse volkshogescholen aan het woord over beroep en professionele context”, in research report

“Evolutionary Game Theory and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning”, in The Knowledge Engineering Review

“Learning Automata as a Basis for Multi-Agent ReinforcementLearning”, in Unknown Journal


“In vitro analysis of the cement mantle of femoral hip implants: development and validation of a CT-scan based measurement tool”, in Journal of Orthopaedic Research

“Application of the infinite element method to modelling the surroundings in low contrast cases”, in IFMBE Proceedings Series

“Single-rate calculation of overcomplete discrete wavelet transforms for scalable coding applications”, in Signal Processing

“Complete-to-overcomplete discrete wavelet transforms: theory and applications”, in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

“Motion and texture rate-allocation for prediction-based scalable motion-vector coding”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Generalization of Embedded Multiple Description Scalar Quantizers”, in IEE Electronics Letters

“A watershed-based multiscale segmentation method for color images using automatic scale selection”, in Journal of Electronic Imaging

“Special effects: Efficient and scalable encoding of the 3D metamorphosis animation with MESHGRID”, in Advances in Multimedia Information Processing

“In vitro analysis of the cement mantle of femoral hip implants: development and validation of a CT-scan based measurement tool”, in Journal of Orthopaedic Research

“A Hierarchical Markovian Model for Multiscale Region-based Classification of Vector-Valued Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“A variational approach to 3D line orientation estimation from motion”, in Machine Graphics & Vision

“Constant quality video coding using video content analysis”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Unconstrained motion compensated temporal filtering (UMCTF) for efficient and flexible interframe wavelet video coding”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Qualitative distinction of congeneric and introgressive mangrove species in mixed patchy forest assemblages using high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery (IKONOS)”, in Systematics and Biodiversity

“Compressed Linear Genetic Programming: empirical parameter study on the Even-n-parity problem”, in WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development

“Herkennen van risicostudenten in het eerste jaar exacte wetenschappen aan de VUB”, in Persoon en Gemeenschap

“Herkennen van risicostudenten in het eerste jaar exacte wetenschappen aan de VUB”, in Persoon en Gemeenschap

“The impact of visual communication on the intersubjective development of early parent-child interaction with 18-24-month-old deaf toddlers”, in Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

“Slimme Computers”, in Unknown Journal

“Using ACO and Rough Set Theory to Feature Selection”, in WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications

“Massera criterion for periodic solutions of differential equations with piecewise constant argument”, in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications


“In-band motion compensated temporal filtering”, in Signal Processing: Image Communication

“Meshgrid - A Compact, Multi-scalable and Animation-Friendly Surface Representation”, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

“Scalable Motion Vector Coding”, in Electronics Letters

“On the Optimality of Embedded Deadzone Scalar-Quantizers for Wavelet-based L-infinite-constrained Image Coding”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“A Viseme Based Speech Recognition System for Talking Head Animation”, in Chinese Journal of Computer Applications and Software

“An eigen mouth based audio visual continuous speech recognition system in noisy environments”, in Journal of Computer Engineering and Application

“Experimental Research on Audio Visual Fusion and on Model Asynchrony for Raising Speech Recognition Rate”, in Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University

“The viseme based continous speech recognition system for a talking head”, in Journal of Electronics & Information Technology

“Measurement and uncertainty of the long term total solar irradiance trend”, in Solar Physics

“Total solar irradiance observations from DIARAD/VIRGO”, in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

“Development and Validation of a CT-scan based Tool to Analyse the Cement Mantle of Femoral Hip Implants”, in Hip International

“A probe for immittance spectroscopy based on the parallel electrode technique”, in Physiological Measurement

“Impedance spectroscopy by means of a digital storage oscilloscope-based measurement system”, in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering

“Monitoring of deep foundations deflection in model experiments by means of a magnetic method: Theoretical study”, in Archives of Hydro-Engineering & Environmental Mechanics

“Colour-Based Visual Servoing Under Varying Illumination Conditions”, in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

“Reconfigurable Hardware for a Scalable Wavelet Video Decoder and Its Performance Requirements”, in Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation

“Wavelet-based Scalable L-infinity-oriented Coding”, in PhD Thesis

“Adaptive Load Balancing of Parallel Applications with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on Heterogeneous Systems”, in Scientific Programming

“An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Perspective on Learning in Multi-Agent Systems”, in Synthese

“CastGate white paper”, in Unknown Journal

“CastGate technical report”, in Unknown Journal


“Measurements of impedance of dental enamel in low frequency region”, in Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis

“Metoda pomiarowa dla dwuczestotliwosciowej tomografu elektroimpeadncyjnej”, in Zeszyty Naukowe Wydzialu ETI Politechniki Gdanskiej. Technologie Informacyjne

“High-Level Cache Modelling for 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Implementations”, in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems

“Wavelet-based Fixed and Embedded L-infinite-constrained Image Coding”, in Journal of Electronic Imaging

“Embedded multiple description scalar quantizers”, in IEE Electronics Letters

“Wavelet Coding of Volumetric Medical Datasets”, in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

“A datasieve based audiovisual continuous speech recognition system”, in Computer Applications

“A datasieve based multi-stream hmm audiovisual continuous speech recognition system”, in Computer Applications

“An Eigen Mouth Based Audio Visual Continuous Speech Recognition System in Noisy Environments”, in Journal of Computer Engineering and Application

“The effect of irreversible image distortions on the performance of a mutual information-based method for retrospective geometric standardization of bitewing radiographs”, in Journal of Dental Research

“Application of desktop micro-CT imaging as gold standard in caries diagnosis”, in Journal of Dental Research

“Multiscale Gradient Watersheds of Color Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

“Texture Classification of Logging in Tropical Africa Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, in International Journal of Remote Sensing

“Efficient Usage of Capacity Resources in Survivable MPlS Networks”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science on QoS-IP

“Efficient Protection in MPLambdaS Networks using Backup Trees: PartI- Concepts and Heuristics”, in Photonic Network Communications

“Efficient Protection in MPLambdaS Networks using Backup Trees: PartII- Simulations”, in Photonic Network Communications

“Extended Replicator Dynamics as a Key to Reinforcement Learning in Multi-Agent Systems”, in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence


“Advanced signal processing put at the service of caries diagnosis”, in DSP Valley Newsletter

“Bottom-up Motion Compensated Prediction in the Wavelet Domain for Spatially Scalable Video Coding”, in IEE Electronic Letters

“Wavelet-based L-infinite scalable coding”, in IEE Electronics Letters

“A Model-Based Technique for the Measurement of Skin Thickness in Mammography”, in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

“Advanced signal processing put at the service of caries diagnosis”, in DSP Valley Newsletter

“A multi-stage online signature verification system”, in Pattern Analysis and Applications

“Colonies of Learning Automata”, in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B: Cybernetics)

“Homo Egualis Reinforcement Learning Agents for Load Balancing”, in Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence

“Learning to reach the Pareto Optimal Nash Equilibrium as a Team”, in Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence


“A Model-Based Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Linear Features from Airborne Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing

“Flattening of the 3D Cortical Surface for Improved 2D Visualisation”, in Chinese Journal of Computers

“Contribution of the SOLCON program to the long term total solar irradiance observation”, in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

“Detecting the nature of change in an urban environment - a comparison of machine learning algorithms”, in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing

“Enhanced algorithm performance for land cover classification from remotely sensed data using bagging and boosting”, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

“Social Agents Playing a Periodical Policy”, in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence


“Application of mathematical morphology and Markov random field theory to the automatic extraction of linear features in airborne images”, in Mathematical Morphology and its applications on Image and Signal processing

“The TEDIMEDIA software: an illustration of the perspectives of tele-diagnosis and medical image analysis of the brain”, in Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten

“Using Landmarks to Establish a Point-to-Point Correspondence Between Signatures”, in Pattern Analysis and Applications

“Multiple criteria for evaluating machine learning algorithms for land cover classification from satellite data”, in Remote Sensing of Environment


“Wavelet Image Compression - the Quadtree Coding Approach”, in IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine

“Wavelet-Based Compression of Medical Images: Protocols to Improve Resolution & Quality Scalability and Region-Of-Interest Coding”, in Future Generation Computer Systems

“Wavelet-based Lossless Compression of Coronary Angiographic Images”, in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

“Wavelet-based Lossless Compression Scheme with Progressive Transmission Capability”, in International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology

“Low level image partitioning guided by the gradient watershed hierarchy”, in Signal Processing

“Medical Image Segmentation, Invited lecture at 6 th International Conference on Medical Physics”, in Physica Medica

“Determination of the ScaRaB FM1 broadband channel Point Spread Functions”, in IEEE transactions on remote sensing

“First experience with GERB ground segment processing software : validation with CERES PFM data”, in Adv. Space Res.

“The small league RoboCup team of the VUB AI-Lab”, in Unknown Journal


“Kijken in de mens: Medische beelden en beeldvorming”, in Het Ingenieursblad

“Progressive Lossless Coding of Medical Images”, in Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Special Issue on Telemedicine

“Comparison of Different Methods for Testing the Significance of Classification Efficiency”, in Advances in Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

“Evaluation of pattern classifiers - applying a Monte-Carlo significance test to the classification efficiency”, in Pattern Recognition Letters

“Interpretation of Pattern Classification Results, Obtained from a Test Set”, in Kybernetika


“An Editor for 3D Medical Volume Images”, in Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre Gdansk

“Lossless Integer Wavelet Transform”, in IEEE Signal Processing Letters

“The Influence of Electrocardiogram Trigger Modules on the Quality of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images”, in Acta Cardiologica

“Scheduling and admission control policies: A case study for ATM”, in Unknown Journal

“Fuzzy Control : een alternatieve regeltechniek”, in Maandblad Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursverening KVIV

“Knowledge discovery of hoe u munt kunt slaan uit uw gegevensbank”, in Brussels Ingenieursblad


“Parallel Simulation of ATM Switches”, in International Journal of Computer Systems, Science and Engineering

“Contour matching using finite difference method”, in Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis

“Hierarchical contour matching in medical images”, in Image and Vision Computing

“Evaluation of pattern classifiers - Testing the significance of classification efficiency using an exact probability technique”, in Pattern Recognition Letters


“Adiabatic layering: A new concept of hierarchical multi-scale optimization”, in Neural Networks

“Object Recognition in Brain CT-scans: Knowledge Based Fusion of Data from Multiple Feature Extractors”, in IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging

“Adiabatic layering as a new approach to RBF approximation”, in Neural Networks


“An adiabatic neural network for RBF approximation”, in Neural Computing & Applications

“Segmentation and counting of ovisacs with morphological filtering in ultrasound images”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing (IWSIPྚ)


“Segmentation of Medical Images”, in Image and Vision Computing


“A Blackboard System For Analysing Brain CT-Scans”, in Signal Processing VI: Theories and Applications, Proceedings of EUSIPCO 92

“Beeldtechnologie en communicatie”, in VUB Magazine

“A data-acquisition system for electronic identification, monitoring and control of group-housed pigs”, in Journal of Agricultural Engineering


“Do you also have problems with the file format syndrome?”, in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

“Towards Automated Analysis in 3D Cardiac MR Imaging”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI 91)


“A Critical view on Pyramid Segmentation Algorithms”, in Pattern Recognition Letters

“BIOLAB: An Integrated Biomedical Laboratory”, in VUB Magazine (The Erasmus Postgraduate Course in Biomedical Engineering)


“Knowledge Engineering in Diagnostic Imaging”, in VUB Magazine


“Body Surface Potential Mapping: In search for techniques improving its clinical application”, in ITBM ( Innovation et technologie en biologie et medecine)


“Potential produced by arbitrary current sources in an infinite and finite length circular conducting cylinder”, in IEEE Trans. Biomed. Engin.


“Acquisition and processing of potential maps in electrocardiology”, in HF Revue, Acquisition et Traitement des Signaux

“Mejora en la interpretation de los mapas iso-potentiales de ECG”, in Rev. Esp. Cardiologia, Supp. 1:50

“Diagnostic usefulness of ECG Potential Maps for the Non Invasive diagnosis if right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction”, in Unknown Journal

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